Explore The Pete Store’s Great Leasing Options

Is Leasing Right For Me?

If you’ve ever considered leasing a commercial truck, look no further than The Pete Store!

Leases are great for conserving cash flow, and possibly lowering your monthly payment.

Our wide variety of leasing options have helped thousands of customers find the perfect vehicle for their needs.


Simplify the Buying Cycle with Flexible Lease Options From The Pete Store

Managing truck purchases can be a challenge, especially with changing emissions regulations impacting resale values. The Pete Store's lease programs offer solutions to streamline the buying cycle and navigate uncertain resale markets.

Our flexible commercial truck leasing options include:

We're Here to Help!

The Pete Store’s experienced leasing team not only provides the industry’s best customer service, but also these advantages:

  1. Competitive Rates
  2. Fast & Easy Approvals
  3. Expert Guidance

We Make Doing Business with Us Easy!

The Pete Store is really not in the truck business, we are in the people business! Our highly knowledgeable and experienced leasing team can help you accomplish your business goals.

Ready to Get Started?

If you are ready to learn more about why leasing is a great option, contact us today!